[OS X TeX] Strange error

Morten Høgholm morten.hoegholm at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 23:31:04 CET 2007

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 23:25:15 +0100, Ross Moore wrote:

Hi Ross,

> Yes. It adds an extra space token here:   (from  fink.sty )
> line 73: \long\def\IfFileExists#1#2#3{%
> line 74:   \openin\@inputcheck#1 %
> line 75:   \ifeof\@inputcheck
> Remove the space at the 2nd-last character of line 74 and the problem
> completely disappears, at least in a simple test with  \begin{align} .
> However, I'm not sure whether or not that space serves a legitimate
> purpose in what this package is trying to achieve --- certainly it
> looks like it was put there deliberately.

The space is supposed to be there because ends the scanning for a filename  
for \openin. If not present, \openin will expand \ifeof\@inputcheck to  
finish scanning for the filename. The LaTeX kernel is identical in this  

The bug is elsewhere as I described earlier but that message probably  
didn't get to your part of the world yet... :-)


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