[OS X TeX] TeXShop features I would like to correct (or have corrected)

Frank STENGEL fstengel at mac.com
Wed Nov 7 11:16:24 CET 2007

Le 6 nov. 07 à 11:40, Bruno Voisin a écrit :


> That's the way TeX (and LaTeX) are designed: you are supposed to end  
> up a TeX run properly, by either (in the Console window) pressing  
> "x" or "e" then return to abort, or pressing "s" or "r" or "q" to  
> force the run to proceed until the end. For the exact effect of each  
> of these letters, see pp. 31-32 of the TeXbook.
> That's the only way to get LaTeX to produce a well-formed .aux file  
> before stopping. If, as I do most of the time, when LaTeX stops for  
> an error, you just go back to the edit window and correct the error  
> then press Cmd-T to start a new run, LaTeX will start its new run by  
> reading the malformed .aux file created during the abruptly  
> interrupted preceding run, and fun will begin.

Wouldn't it be possible to have TeXShop automagically send an x to  
properly stop a typeset whenever the user goes back to the edit window  
and uses cmd-T to re-typeset or tell the user to properly stop the  
typesetting engine? Textures used to be quite strong willed about it:  
you had to stop the typesetting process before being able to start a  
new typeset.

In some ways, TeXShop makes it a bit ``too easy'' for the user by  
permitting the brutal stopping of a job in order to start a new one...

Frank STENGEL (fstengel<at>mac.com)

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