[OS X TeX] Controlling Fig and Table labels

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon May 21 21:22:02 CEST 2007

Le 21 mai 07 à 18:41, tom keyes a écrit :

> many journals now request a separate section of 'supplementary  
> information'. i would like the Figs and Tables in this section to  
> be labeled S1, S2 etc instead of the usual 1, 2, etc. Can i do that?

\renewcommand{\thetable} {S\arabic{table}}

Depending on the class you're using, you may have to make sure that  
the figure and table counters are reset to 0 at the beginning of  
these supplementary sections:

\setcounter{table} {0}

For example, figures and tables are numbered continuously through all  
sections with the article class, as follows from the definition of  
the associated counters in article.cls, equivalent to:

\renewcommand{\thetable} {\arabic{table}}

By contrast, the figure and chapter counters are reset to 0 at the  
beginning of every chapter with the report class, as follows from the  
definitions in report.cls, equivalent to:

\newcounter{table} [chapter]
\renewcommand{\thetable} {\ifthenelse{\value{chapter}>0}{\thechapter.} 

There, the [chapter] optional argument to \newcounter tells the newly  
defined counters are reset to 0 at every new \chapter, and the  
definitions of \thefigure and \thetable (defining the figure and  
table numbers as they appear in the captions, in figure and table  
cross-references and in the lists of figures and tables) should be  
straightforward enough to decipher.

Bruno Voisin

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