preview in TexShop was: Re: [OS X TeX] FYI: Smultron

Axel E. Retif axretif at
Fri Mar 23 22:47:59 CET 2007

On 23 Mar, 2007, at 15:08 , Roussanka Loukanova wrote:

> Axel, your bet is right; If I made temporarily TeXShop (not  
> Preview) the PDF viewer, then after issuing the command pdflatex in  
> Emacs, TeXShop updates automatically the pdf file.
> I find this frustrating because I consider the combinations [latex - 
> > TeXShop] and [pdflatex -> Preview] quite good. In particular,  
> [latex -> TeXShop] is good for dvips dependent tex files.
> But I do not know how to set up properly latex -> TeXShop...
> See the email(s) with subject "Emacs <-> TexShop"

With Prof. Franconi's plugin, PDF is the preferred view (menu TeX- 
Prefs), not DVI, so even in you latex your file, command view offers  
as default the option to convert to PDF the DVI file. By default, the  
PDF will open in PDFView, but you can configure it, as I did, to open  
PDF files in TeXShop.

But I really would recommend TeXniscope or xdvi (installed by gwTeX  
if you have Apple's X11 installed) as the DVI viewers, because you  
can then use forward/inverse search.



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