[OS X TeX] Fwd: XeLaTeX: equation falsch dargestellt

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Fri Jun 29 22:19:01 CEST 2007

On 29 Jun 2007, at 7:24 pm, Joanna Ludmiła Ryćko wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> thanks for your answers, but...
>> If you run xelatex with the xdvipdfmx driver, it should work  
>> better. You can do this via TeXShop's xelatex-xdvipdfmx engine; if  
>> you don't have this engine, just create a copy of the  
>> XeLaTeX.engine file and add the option
>>     -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E"
>> to the xelatex command line.
> I tried this solution from the command line and got the following  
> output:
> [...]
> ** NOTICE: This document contains a `Preview & Print only' licensed  
> font **
> Output file removed.
> Output written on test.pdf (1 page).
> Transcript written on test.log.
> There are no errors anymore, but also... no pdf file in my working  
> directory!

The "Output written on test.pdf" message comes from xetex, which  
assumes the output driver did its job, but for some reason xdvipdfmx  
has decided it was unable to process the document, and reports  
"Output file removed".

This usually indicates some kind of font configuration problem; to  
find out more, try running the job in two stages (from the command  

     xelatex -no-pdf test.tex
     xdvipdfmx -v -E test.xdv

The first will create test.xdv (I believe this will succeed); the  
second runs the driver to convert this to test.pdf, but this time  
with -v (verbose) instead of -q (quiet), so we'll get some more  
details and perhaps be able to identify the problem.

>>>> \documentclass{scrreprt}
>>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> Alternatively, try \usepackage[cm-default]{fontspec} here; I think  
>> this will avoid the problems configuring the math fonts.
> And here I get the following:
> *** fontmap psfonts.map not found; texmf.cnf may be broken
> *** font cmr10 not found in psfonts.map or host system; will  
> substitute Helvetica glyphs
> *** fontmap psfonts.map not found; texmf.cnf may be broken
> *** font cmmi10 not found in psfonts.map or host system; will  
> substitute Helvetica glyphs
> *** fontmap psfonts.map not found; texmf.cnf may be broken
> *** font cmsy10 not found in psfonts.map or host system; will  
> substitute Helvetica glyphs

This is the xdv2pdf driver complaining that it can't find  
psfonts.map. Could it be that you have multiple versions of the  
binaries or the texmf.cnf file in different places, and the wrong  
ones are being found? What does "which xdv2pdf" report?

> So I persume, that there is something wrong with my psfonts.map
> It could be found here:
> /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/psfonts.map
> so it should be ok. I didn't make any changes to my TeX Live 2007  
> since I installed it three months ago, but maybe something happend,  
> that changed this psfonts.map file, which I can't remember now.

That file is probably OK; the problem is that xdv2pdf isn't finding  
it. You can run it from the command line too, once you've created  
a .xdv output file:

     xdv2pdf -d -1 test.xdv

will show lots of kpathsearch tracing output, so we can see where  
it's looking.

> Maybe it will be easier for all of us, if I just install TeX again...

Possibly, but if there are pieces of an old installation that are  
being found (for example), and leading to this confusion, it might  
not solve things.

> BTW Janusz Nowacki said, that – as for now – XeTeX do not work  
> with OTF fonts in math, but only with TFM fonts. I'm not sure, what  
> Hoefler Text is and actually I don't know what the TFM fonts are.  
> Do I understand it correctly, that those mathematical formulas will  
> not be typeset in Hoefler Text at all, even if my system works  
> right, but in LM/CM?

Yes, partly, I think.... I don't really know much about the math font  
setup. I believe it's possible to get some parts of math to use other  
"non-math" fonts, but most fonts don't contain anywhere near the full  
collection of math symbols, so those will still have to come from CM  
(or Euler or some other math package).


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