[OS X TeX] Multiple references with page numbers

Axel E. Retif axretif at igo.com.mx
Wed Jun 27 11:09:11 CEST 2007

On  27 Jun, 2007, at 03:23, Manuel Souto Pico wrote:

> Thanks Robert,
> 2007/6/26, Robert Bruner <rrb at math.wayne.edu>:
>> Instead of
>>       \citep[399][177]{Huddleston2002,Lyons1977}.
>> I use
>>      \citep[399]{Huddleston2002}, \citep[177]{Lyons1977}.
> Yes, this is an indirect solution but the only one available so far.
> This way I get two parenthesis:
> (Huddleston 2002: 399), (Lyons 1977: 177)
> which is not what I want but it's better than nothing at all.

Well..., no --- Michael S. Hanson wrote:

> Use \citealp[]{} and place the parentheses in yourself.  See section
> 2.4, "Extended Citation Commands", of the natbib documentation.  (My
> copy is dated 18-Aug-2006.)  Hope this helps.
> -- Mike



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