[OS X TeX] Structure inside ~/Library/texmf

Holger Frauenrath mail at frauenrath.com
Fri Jun 8 13:53:41 CEST 2007


could somebody briefly explain to me the internal structure of ~/ 
Library/texmf (or point me to documentation)? Do the subfolders in  
there mirror the directory structure somewhere else? Does the  
internal structure have to be preserved (and to which point)? Should  
there be any files in there by default? What exactly happens if there  
is a file (e.g., a style file) in there that also exists elsewhere  
(e.g., somwhere buried in \usr)?

The reason why I am asking is that I want to tidy up the contents of  
my ~/Library/texmf folder because I would like to provide its  
contents (e.g., some template files) to other members in my group  
(including some TeX newbies) as a starting point. I have not taken a  
look at it in years, and I do not know which files I put there at  
some point in the past - with a few exceptions of template and  
shortcut files that I use all the time. There are currently a number  
of different style an bibtex style files (e.g., Bookman.sty etc., but  
also pdfsync.sty). My guess is that whatever is in there will at  
least be horribly out of date ...

Sorry for that probably profane qustion and thank you all for your help.

Dr. Holger Frauenrath
ETH Zurich
Department of Materials
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, HCI H515
CH-8093 Zurich

Phone: (+41) 44 633 6474
Fax:   (+41) 44 633 1390
Email: frauenrath at mat.ethz.ch
Web:   http://www.polychem.mat.ethz.ch/frauenrath/

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