[OS X TeX] New MacTeX Packages

Franck Pastor pastor at fusl.ac.be
Sat Jan 27 20:05:51 CET 2007

Le 27-janv.-07 à 10:50, Richard Koch a écrit :

> Folks,
> On Jan 27, 2007, at 2:30 AM, Franck Pastor wrote:
>> Another problem is that the installation does not automatically  
>> configure dvips for paper size a4, and  thus you have also to run  
>> texconfig after the installation:
>> sudo texconfig dvips paper a4
> This assertion is not true. The installer tries to guess the user's  
> default paper size using exactly the same algorithm that Gerben  
> tries, and reconfigures. This has been the default behavior of  
> MacTeX from the beginning a year ago.
> Sometimes the guess may fail, as one of the initial dialogs reports.
> Dick
> koch at math.uoregon.edu

You're right, sorry. But what I don't understand is why it fails with  
MacTeX's TeXLive-2007 and it succeeds with gwTeX. Any ideas?

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