[OS X TeX] Re: [OS X TeX][Off list] Lucida Font question

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Jan 5 02:40:26 CET 2007

Le 5 janv. 07 à 01:57, Maarten Sneep a écrit :

> [...]
> it is a matter of adding the lucida support files to the local tree,
>     http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/psfonts/bh/
>     and get the entire subdirectory as a .zip file. Unpack and move  
> to the correct locations.
> updating the file database,
>     sudo mktexlsr
> adding the lucida.map file to the master font map files.
>     updmap-sys --enable Map=ludica.map
> Now, to get them to work with both installations at the same time,  
> you either install them twice, install them in ~/Library/texmf, or  
> define a local tree which you add to both installations. I don't  
> think such a location is there by default. /Library/texmf seems the  
> location for such an extra tree.

Hi Maarten,

Sorry I wasn't clear. Accordingly, I'm cc'ing this answer to the list  
as well.

The problem I was referring to isn't how to install the fonts only  
once and make them available to several TeX trees: I'm planning to  
install one version of the fonts per tree.

The problem is instead that support files have been removed from  
TeXLive, so that, for example:

- The Lucida metrics etc. are available on CTAN in <http:// 
www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/psfonts/bh/>. Regarding gwTeX, they  
were present inside texmf.tetex in the teTeX-based i-Package, but are  
absent inside texmf.texlive which has replaced it in the TeXLive- 
based i-Package. Hence, they must be downloaded from CTAN and added  
to gwTeX, as you mentioned. I don't know what's the situation in  
TeXLive2006 from MacTeX (the full version, which is the only one I'll  

- The LaTeX packages lucidabr.sty and mathtime.sty are still  
available on CTAN in <http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/ 
contrib/psnfssx/>, but only lucidabr.sty is in gwTeX and I don't know  
which, if any, of lucidabr.sty and mathtime.sty is in TeXLive2006.

- The mathtime metrics etc. have been removed from CTAN, but there is  
a substitute mt11p <http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/mt11p/>  
which also provides an alternative to mathtime.sty. The AFM files  
aren't included, but those for MathTime Basic (not Plus) are at  
<http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/mathtime/>. mt11p isn't in  
gwTeX, but I think Karl Berry told he was planning to include it in  

That the kind of things I'm planning to check in detail; in  
particular, whether it's still possible to assemble a working  
MathTime setup by combining publicly available support files with the  
original Y&Y or BSR font files. And when that's done, maybe send  
Gerben detailed suggestions for additions to texmf.gwtex, consisting  
in the pieces currently missing in gwTeX.

For now, Happy New Year!


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