[OS X TeX] MacTeX - a few questions

Axel E. Retif axretif at igo.com.mx
Sun Feb 25 14:17:38 CET 2007

On Feb 25, 2007, at 06:26 , Roussanka Loukanova wrote:


> But also, magically: gwTeX generated and placed the grmn* fonts  
> where it is supposed to, "/private/var/tmp/texfonts/", not in the  
> local directory of example1.tex  (bgtex and tests).

And this beats me! What could permissions in /Applications/TeX  
possibly have to do with /private/var/tmp/?

Ah! but just now

On Feb 25, 2007, at 06:37 , Roussanka Loukanova wrote:
> In my case, it suggested and repaired an access permission inside  
> of /private

I think this has really been the problem all along! Even though

> The permission repair done by Disk Utility did not fix any of the  
> problems that I had had, namely:
> 1. generating the fonts grmn* used by additional language packet  
> bgtex, and placing them in /private/var/tmp/texfonts.
> After I did what Dick suggested, both problems disappeared.

I still can't believe permissions in /Applications/TeX could affect / 
private/var/tmp, but as I said, it beats me!

Now --- in my previous message you could see that permissions for / 
Applications/TeX are

drwxrwxrwx    4 root     admin      136 Feb 25 00:11 TeX/

That's my desktop, but my laptop has

drwxr-xr-x    4 root     admin      136 Dec 27 02:27 TeX/

I installed (via i-Installer) the new configuration first in my  
laptop, sure ---several days before than in my desktop---, but I  
installed it in my desktop way before Feb 25 (today!) ---I think this  
is a left over from a Quark 6 installation.

Anyway, permissions for /private/var/tmp/texfonts/ in my desktop are  
axretif:wheel and in my laptop root:wheel, but I haven't had problems  
with either.

I just see now that Quark is worst than I thought. I had to reinstall  
i-Installer because, even after repairing permissions, i-Installer  
complained that it had been tampered and quit.



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