[OS X TeX] Strange ligatures

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue Feb 20 00:03:03 CET 2007

On 19 Feb 2007, at 10:43 pm, Signups wrote:

> Greetings all,
> Your suggestions have enabled me to resolve all but one of the  
> weird issues that have cropped up regarding fonts.
> As you'll recall, I'm mixing the Porson Greek font with Times New  
> Roman as my main document font.  The one issue that remains is that  
> Times New Roman suddenly begins to render with ligatures, in  
> particular between the "s" and the "t".  However, it only does this  
> in section and subsection headers, where font bolding is turned on.

This seems weird indeed; the Times New Roman that I have does not  
even include such a ligature. My guess is that something about the  
way your font/language commands are defined is actually leading to a  
different font altogether being used. But to figure out what's wrong,  
it would be helpful to see a minimal document that illustrates the  
strange behavior. Can you pare it down to a single heading and just  
the essential packages for the document to compile, and then let us  
see what's there?


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