[OS X TeX] Using LaTeX in Word?

David Derbes loki at uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 18 19:08:16 CET 2007

On Dec 18, 2007, at 12:01 PM, Jung-Tsung Shen wrote:

> Thanks for the reply, Bruno and William.
> People use Word for various reasons, and it can be impractical for
> them to switch to another program, or to a fundamentally different
> typesetting system. A good LaTeX plug-in for Mac Word users, such the
> one for Windows users, should have its place.
> JT

There is almost something that does this (I think.) MathType is not  
that expensive, and I believe outputs
LaTeX. This is not quite the same. I agree with Jung-Tsung that it's  
a pity nothing like it (as far as I know)
exists for Mac OS.

I spent quite a few hours retyping an old book from the 1940s in  
LaTeX so that it might be republished.
I think this is all going to work out, but for a while there the  
publisher wanted me to redo it in Word.

If the Aurora thing had existed for a Mac, it might have proved  
enough to do the job. But eventually the
publisher found someone in the copyediting company he works with who  
is LaTeX savvy, and I think
all will be well.

Personally I cannot stand Word or much else from MS (though I use  
Excel almost every day); but that said,
anything that makes life easier for someone is much to be encouraged.  
Some people have to use Word,
but would like this functionality.

David Derbes
U of Chicago Lab Schools

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