[OS X TeX] Staying up to date with programs Gerben used to maintain
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Dec 13 12:03:46 CET 2007
Le 13 déc. 07 à 10:30, Peter Dyballa a écrit :
> Am 13.12.2007 um 03:11 schrieb Richard Sperling:
>> I'm only wondering how other people are staying current with the
>> programs Gerben used to maintain.
> Fink.
In my case: not stay current. Last I checked (a couple of days ago),
MacPorts was still creating a ~/.profile upon install, to add /opt/
local/bin and /opt/local/sbin *before* the OS X defaults /usr/bin and /
usr/sbin in $PATH, not *after* them as i-Installer does with /usr/
local/bin and /usr/texbin.
I'm refusing to install any system which attempts to take precedence
over OS X. Stuff which adds to OS X is fine; stuff which modifies OS X
Bruno Voisin
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