[OS X TeX] Creating a dvi file

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Apr 16 18:08:24 CEST 2007

Le 16 avr. 07 à 16:44, Peter Dyballa a écrit :

> Partly. The non-PS or non-EPS image is included in the DVI file in  
> some special. If then dvips is used to convert the DVI file to PS,  
> an unusable file is created because Ghostscript and PostScript  
> cannot handle non-PS or non-EPS images.

I just did a quick test:

- Assume you've got TeXLive-2007 installed. If so, then  
simpdftex_dpmx is there already, at


- Edit TeXShop's preference Engine > TeX + dvips + distiller > Latex  
Program, from

	simpdftex latex --maxpfb


	simpdftex_dpmx latex --dpx --maxpfb

- In TexShop's Typeset menu, make sure "TeX and Ghostscript" is  

That's it! All you have to do is then create a PNG file  
testimage.png, and a LaTeX file testlatex.tex containing


and typeset this file in TeXShop, having selected the LaTeX engine.

There's one annoying problem, though: for each .png, .jpg and .pdf  
file that it attempts to include, LaTeX expects to find a  
matching .bb file containing bounding box information for that file.  
Otherwise LaTeX will complain and then stop. There may be utilities  
to create such .bb files from the original .png, .jpg and .pdf files,  
but I'm not aware of them.

I tried to specify a fake bounding box myself, in the form:

\includegraphics[bb=0 0 12cm 15cm]

The graphics is indeed included and visible in TeXShop's Preview  
window, but not exactly as one would expect: the above bounding box  
info does not seem influence the portion of the image displayed, but  
the size and proportions of this image in the LaTeX output.

More clearly, with [bb=0 0 12cm 15cm] I was expecting the "left-most"  
12 cm and "bottom-most" 15 cm of the image to be displayed in the  
output, with their natural proportions. Indeed, it seems the whole of  
the image is displayed, elongated vertically such that it is 12 cm  
wide and 15 cm tall in the output.

I'll have to stop looking at this, but I hope the above info will be  
enough to allow others to look at the problem into more details.

Bruno Voisin
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