[OS X TeX] Begining in Mac-TeX

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Apr 4 11:20:09 CEST 2007

Am 04.04.2007 um 00:24 schrieb Othon Branco:

> 1) Doesn't  i-Installer install packages on the fly, like MikteX?

It definitely does not. It's usually not used to typeset a TeX  
document. (The front-ends TeXShop, iTeXMac, TeXmacs, LyX, ... could  
learn such a behaviour.)

> 2) How can I install and where I put the packages always they are
> required using TeXShop?

You can use the MiKTeX package manager, mpm, to install certain  
packages (not all are supported, not all are up-to-date, presumingly,  
some contain only MS Windows support). Fink provides mpm as miktex- 
tools – and mpm has the dropping package. Depending on the version of  
gwTeX there are two places, either /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local  
or /usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.pkgs. Once there was some useful  
documentation coming with gwTeX, but I don't know where to find it  
now. This documentation should name the place where to put your own  
system-wide additions, that they survive an update of gwTeX. And then  
don't forget to run 'sudo texhash' after any change!

The other option is to install additional packages into your own  
private tree, ~/Library/texmf.



The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for  
lists of "Ten Best".
                                      -- H. Allen Smith

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