[OS X TeX] Error message with multind

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Oct 8 15:38:17 CEST 2006

Download Flashmode-downloadable and install it according to the  
instructions. Don't forget to install the makeindex folder: Assuming  
that you don't have a texmf folder in ~/Library simply move the  
provided texmf folder in ~/Library that will suffice.


On Oct 8, 2006, at 15:17, JBD wrote:

> Thank you very much, but I do not know anything about Applescript.  
> According to what I understood following various documents found on  
> the Web, I copied your script in Script Editor and tried to execute  
> it. It answers that it is impossible to name  
> Home:Library:Flashmode:Subroutines:setnametsn.scpt as an alias. I  
> also found your page http://math.uni-heidelberg.de/studinfo/ 
> gerhardt/tex/ Sorry, but I am neither a data processing specialist,  
> nor a scientist, and I do not understand what I must do. Can your  
> say more to me?
> Le 8 oct. 06, à 14:29, Claus Gerhardt a écrit :
>> Below is applescript that offers a dialog to name the basename of  
>> your .idx file running makindex and printing the index. It needs  
>> Flashmode-downloadable.
>> Claus
>> -- Applescript
>> -- Apply only to an already saved file.
>> -- Claus Gerhardt, Nov. 2004
>> (* The subroutine setnamebbedit returns baseName, texName,  
>> pdfName, namePath, dirName, dirNameunquoted, and saves the  
>> document of window texName.
>> *)
>> set previewer to "TeXShop"
>> --set previewer to "Acrobat  6.0.1 Professional"
>> --set previewer to "Preview"
>> --set previewer to "TeXniscope"
>> if previewer is equal to "Acrobat  6.0.1 Professional" then
>> 	set process_name to "acrobat"
>> else
>> 	set process_name to previewer
>> end if
>> tell application "TeXShop"
>> 	get path of document of window 1
>> 	set fileName to result
>> end tell
>> set scriptPath to (do shell script "dirname " & "~/Library/ 
>> Flashmode/Subroutines/ex")
>> set scriptPath to scriptPath & "/setnametsn.scpt"
>> set scriptName to POSIX file scriptPath as alias
>> set scriptLiB to (load script scriptName)
>> tell scriptLiB
>> 	set {baseName, texName, pdfName, namePath, dirName,  
>> dirNameunquoted, logName, logPath, rtfName, docName} to setnametsn 
>> (fileName)
>> end tell
>> set dialogName to "What is the basename of your index file? The  
>> suffix is assumed to be idx."
>> set bsaename to the text returned of (display dialog dialogName  
>> default answer baseName buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK")
>> set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
>> set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/Flashmode/bin/ 
>> makeindexc  " & baseName
>> do shell script shellScript
>> set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
>> set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/Flashmode/bin/ 
>> pdflatexc  " & texName
>> do shell script shellScript
>> set fileLog to namePath & ".ilg"
>> set theFile to POSIX file fileLog as alias
>> set thePDF to POSIX file pdfName
>> tell application "TeXShop"
>> 	activate
>> 	open theFile
>> end tell
>> set thePDF to POSIX file pdfName
>> set scriptPath to (do shell script "dirname " & "~/Library/ 
>> Flashmode/Subroutines/ex")
>> set scriptPath to scriptPath & "/preview_bbedit.scpt"
>> set scriptName to POSIX file scriptPath as alias
>> set scriptLiB to (load script scriptName)
>> tell scriptLiB
>> 	preview_bbedit(docName, thePDF, previewer, process_name)
>> end tell
>> --end clicked
>> On Oct 8, 2006, at 13:28, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>>> The makeindex command in TS can handle only one index and it  
>>> assumes that the basename of the index is identical to the  
>>> basename of your source.
>>> You have call makeindex from the terminal
>>> makeindex persons.idx
>>> makeindex events.idx
>>> Claus
>>> On Oct 8, 2006, at 13:14, JBD wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to make two different indexes with multind.sty. I  
>>>> have already understood the classical process to make one index.  
>>>> I am writing a script like this :
>>>> %The name of the file is index_essay.tex
>>>> \documentclass{book}
>>>> \usepackage[greek,german,french]{babel}
>>>> \usepackage{multind}
>>>> \makeindex{persons}
>>>> \makeindex{events}
>>>> \begin{document}
>>>> Churchill\index{persons}{Roosevelt}, Roosevelt\index{persons} 
>>>> {Roosevelt} and Stalin\index{persons}{Roosevelt} were at Yalta 
>>>> \index{events}{Yalta Conference}, but not De Gaulle\index 
>>>> {persons}{De Gaulle}.
>>>> \end{document}
>>>> I am compiling one time in Latex mode and TeXShop creates two  
>>>> files persons.idx and events.idx. OK.
>>>> A second time in mode MakeIndex, I have this error message in  
>>>> the console :
>>>> Couldn't find input index file index_essay nor index_essay.idx.
>>>> Usage: makeindex [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num]  
>>>> [idx0 idx1 ...]
>>>> Why does it seek this file index_essay.idx and not persons.idx  
>>>> and events.idx?
>>>> Thank you for your assistance and sorry for my English.
>>>> JBD
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          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
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