[OS X TeX] Error message with multind

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Oct 8 14:29:00 CEST 2006

Below is applescript that offers a dialog to name the basename of  
your .idx file running makindex and printing the index. It needs  


-- Applescript
-- Apply only to an already saved file.
-- Claus Gerhardt, Nov. 2004

(* The subroutine setnamebbedit returns baseName, texName, pdfName,  
namePath, dirName, dirNameunquoted, and saves the document of window  
set previewer to "TeXShop"
--set previewer to "Acrobat  6.0.1 Professional"
--set previewer to "Preview"
--set previewer to "TeXniscope"

if previewer is equal to "Acrobat  6.0.1 Professional" then
	set process_name to "acrobat"
	set process_name to previewer
end if

tell application "TeXShop"
	get path of document of window 1
	set fileName to result
end tell
set scriptPath to (do shell script "dirname " & "~/Library/Flashmode/ 
set scriptPath to scriptPath & "/setnametsn.scpt"
set scriptName to POSIX file scriptPath as alias
set scriptLiB to (load script scriptName)
tell scriptLiB
	set {baseName, texName, pdfName, namePath, dirName, dirNameunquoted,  
logName, logPath, rtfName, docName} to setnametsn(fileName)
end tell

set dialogName to "What is the basename of your index file? The  
suffix is assumed to be idx."

set bsaename to the text returned of (display dialog dialogName  
default answer baseName buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK")

set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/Flashmode/bin/makeindexc   
" & baseName
do shell script shellScript

set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/Flashmode/bin/pdflatexc   
" & texName
do shell script shellScript

set fileLog to namePath & ".ilg"
set theFile to POSIX file fileLog as alias
set thePDF to POSIX file pdfName

tell application "TeXShop"
	open theFile
end tell

set thePDF to POSIX file pdfName

set scriptPath to (do shell script "dirname " & "~/Library/Flashmode/ 
set scriptPath to scriptPath & "/preview_bbedit.scpt"
set scriptName to POSIX file scriptPath as alias
set scriptLiB to (load script scriptName)
tell scriptLiB
	preview_bbedit(docName, thePDF, previewer, process_name)
end tell

--end clicked

On Oct 8, 2006, at 13:28, Claus Gerhardt wrote:

> The makeindex command in TS can handle only one index and it  
> assumes that the basename of the index is identical to the basename  
> of your source.
> You have call makeindex from the terminal
> makeindex persons.idx
> makeindex events.idx
> Claus
> On Oct 8, 2006, at 13:14, JBD wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to make two different indexes with multind.sty. I have  
>> already understood the classical process to make one index. I am  
>> writing a script like this :
>> %The name of the file is index_essay.tex
>> \documentclass{book}
>> \usepackage[greek,german,french]{babel}
>> \usepackage{multind}
>> \makeindex{persons}
>> \makeindex{events}
>> \begin{document}
>> Churchill\index{persons}{Roosevelt}, Roosevelt\index{persons} 
>> {Roosevelt} and Stalin\index{persons}{Roosevelt} were at Yalta 
>> \index{events}{Yalta Conference}, but not De Gaulle\index{persons} 
>> {De Gaulle}.
>> \end{document}
>> I am compiling one time in Latex mode and TeXShop creates two  
>> files persons.idx and events.idx. OK.
>> A second time in mode MakeIndex, I have this error message in the  
>> console :
>> Couldn't find input index file index_essay nor index_essay.idx.
>> Usage: makeindex [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num]  
>> [idx0 idx1 ...]
>> Why does it seek this file index_essay.idx and not persons.idx and  
>> events.idx?
>> Thank you for your assistance and sorry for my English.
>> JBD
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> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
>          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
> List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/

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Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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