[OS X TeX] A recipe for installing TeXLive (TUG)

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Nov 19 17:03:59 CET 2006

That's right it is a leftover of some testing.


On Nov 19, 2006, at 15:45, Franck Pastor wrote:

> Downloaded, just to have a look. It seems indeed fairly  
> straightforward. I've got a remark, though: in the scripts "symlink- 
> powerpc.scpt" and "symlink-i386.scpt", the following line appears  
> to be useless:
> set symlinkName1 to "/usr/local/" & "texlivesymlink"
> (since it has not been made any use of a "symlinkName1" in the  
> following lines)
> Anyway, if I install some day the original TeXLive (I have  
> installed already installed Gerben Wierda's TeXLive redistribution,  
> and it works fine. Thanks to Gerben Wierda, again ;-)), I think I  
> will create the symlinks directly in the Terminal, I find it easier  
> than running Applescripts.
> Franck Pastor
> Le 19-nov.-06 à 15:08, Claus Gerhardt a écrit :
>> Just for the record, the first Applescript below shows the path  
>> that would be right for my tex installation but not for the custom  
>> one, i.e., the variable sourceName should be defined as
>> set sourceName to "/usr/local/texlive/2005/bin/powerpc-darwin" -- 
>> or i386-darwin
>> However, I would recommend that all interested should download the  
>> recipe and all related Applescripts from
>> http://www.math.uni-heidelberg.de/studinfo/gerhardt/TeXLive- 
>> install-recipe.zip
>> The Applescripts there and the recipe should all be error free,  
>> unless someone finds any:).
>> Claus
>> On Nov 19, 2006, at 11:35, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>>> Unfortunately I made in mistake in the Applescript for creating  
>>> the symlink texprograms. The correct one is copied below. Sorry.
>>> Also there is an additional symlink necessary for ~/Library/ 
>>> texmf, since the default installation TeXLive 2005 assumes that  
>>> your personal texmf folder is in your homefolder, ie. ~/texmf. An  
>>> additionl symlink will take care of that. Notice that an ordinary  
>>> alias will not suffice. I shall also copy the necessary  
>>> Applescript for that symlink below.
>>> Claus
>>> -- Applescript
>>> -- symlink for creating texprograms
>>> -- Nov. 2006
>>> -- Claus Gerhardt
>>> (* It is necessary to use the full path for source file and  
>>> target file, if the files or directories are not in the same  
>>> directory.
>>> Notice that the administrator privileges will be valid for a few  
>>> seconds after you entered your password, so don't play around  
>>> with the script, it won't ask for your password again in those  
>>> circumstances.
>>> Notice that on an intelMac the term "powerpc" has to be replaced  
>>> by "i386"**)
>>> set sourceName to "/usr/local/texlive2005/bin/powerpc-darwin" -- 
>>> or i386-darwin
>>> set symlinkName to "/usr/local/" & "texprograms"
>>> set symlinkName1 to "/usr/local/" & "texlivesymlink"
>>> set scriptPath1 to "/usr/local/"
>>> set shellScript to "cd " & scriptPath1 & ";"
>>> set shellScript to shellScript & "rm -fR " & symlinkName & ";"
>>> set shellScript to shellScript & "ln -s  -f " & sourceName & " "  
>>> & symlinkName
>>> do shell script shellScript with administrator privileges
>>> --End of script
>>> -- Applescript
>>> -- symlink for creating ~/texmf
>>> -- Nov. 2006
>>> -- Claus Gerhardt
>>> (* It is necessary to use the full path for source file and  
>>> target file, if the files or directories are not in the same  
>>> directory.
>>> Notice that the administrator privileges will be valid for a few  
>>> seconds after you entered your password, so don't play around  
>>> with the script, it won't ask for your password again in those  
>>> circumstances.
>>> *)
>>> set dirName to do shell script "dirname " & "~/ex"
>>> set sourceName to dirName & "/Library/texmf"
>>> set symlinkName to dirName & "/texmf"
>>> set shellScript to "ln -s  -f " & sourceName & " " & symlinkName
>>> do shell script shellScript
>>> -- End of script
>>> On Nov 19, 2006, at 2:47, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>>>> Let me give a detailed  recipe for installing TeXLive 2005 using  
>>>> its default installation. This second version corrects some  
>>>> mistakes that I made in the first the corrections of which I  
>>>> have already posted. There won't be any new corrections, it is  
>>>> only a complete, corrected recipe.
>>>> The most *important* correction is, that on an intelMac the term  
>>>> "powerpc" has to be replaced by "i386" *everywhere*!
>>>> This applies especially to the Applescript for the symlink. In  
>>>> order to keep this recipe readable, I shall refer to this change  
>>>> only once again in that particular Applescript and nowhere else.  
>>>> But those with an intelMac should be aware of it.
>>>> (I) Prerequisites:
>>>> (1) Create this Applescript application for switching the  
>>>> display of hidden files on and off, that I offered in a previous  
>>>> mail and switch the display of hidden files on. I copy it again  
>>>> below.
>>>> I am not the author, but I forgot where I downloaded it from and  
>>>> who wrote it, I only added a small detail.
>>>> Save this Applescript as an application and store its icon in  
>>>> the Dock.
>>>> --Applescript
>>>> tell application "Finder" to quit
>>>> display dialog "Show Hidden Files..." buttons {"ON", "OFF",  
>>>> "Cancel"} ¬
>>>> 	default button 3
>>>> copy the result as list to {buttonpressed}
>>>> try
>>>> 	if the buttonpressed is "OFF" then do shell script ¬
>>>> 		"defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles OFF"
>>>> 	if the buttonpressed is "ON" then do shell script ¬
>>>> 		"defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles ON"
>>>> end try
>>>> tell application "Finder" to launch
>>>> -- End of script
>>>> (2) Create the Applescript (not application) that will create a  
>>>> symlink, I shall provide a copy below with the full details so  
>>>> that you will have nothing to change. The path will be slightly  
>>>> different from what I copied previously, but then I used my own  
>>>> path, which is different, since I didn't follow the default.
>>>> (3) Make sure that you have a copy of BBEdit or maybe  
>>>> Textwrangler for editing two files. Textwrangler can be  
>>>> downloaded for free, but I don't know if it will also allow  
>>>> editing with administrative permissions. You should test first  
>>>> that you can do that by opening (for the rest of the recipe I  
>>>> shall always assume to work in BBEdit)
>>>> /private/etc/profile
>>>> You can find this file by double clicking on the alias "etc"  
>>>> that you will see when double clicking on your hard disk icon:
>>>> drag the file "profile" to BBEdit's icon so that it will be  
>>>> opened. At the end of the file you will see something like
>>>> ## TeX modifications start at Fri Nov  3 17:39:47 CET 2006
>>>> ## Do not remove the previous line
>>>> if [ `whoami` != "root" ]
>>>> then
>>>>   PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/texprograms"
>>>>   export PATH
>>>> fi
>>>> ## Do not remove the next line
>>>> ## TeX modifications end at Fri Nov  3 17:39:47 CET 2006
>>>> probably with different dates and certainly with a different  
>>>> path, since this is already the correct path that should be  
>>>> implemented after the installation of TeXLive.
>>>> Delete any letter and retype it so that the file has been  
>>>> changed. When doing so you will first be asked, if the status of  
>>>> the file should be changed, click "yes", and later when you will  
>>>> save it, you will be asked for your password,  save the file  
>>>> after you retyped the letter.
>>>> This will be proof that you can edit the relevant files, only two.
>>>> If you cannot edit this file then forget the whole thing.
>>>> This profile file contains the system wide path for the bash  
>>>> shell. The corresponding file for the C-shell (csh) is called  
>>>> csh.login and is in the same directory. It contains the similar  
>>>> lines at its end.
>>>> Later you should edit both files by changing the path, I am  
>>>> copying my old path for the C-shell, which still contains  
>>>> Gerben's entry,
>>>> /usr/local/TeXLive/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current
>>>> to
>>>> /usr/local/texprograms
>>>> Explicitly, the file "profile" should look like above at the  
>>>> end, and the end of the file csh.login should look like
>>>> ## Do not remove the next line
>>>> ## setloginpath added /usr/local/bin end at Mon May  9 01:55:00  
>>>> CEST 2005
>>>> ## TeX modifications start at Fri Nov  3 17:39:47 CET 2006
>>>> ## Do not remove the previous line
>>>> if ("${uid}" != "0") then
>>>>   set path = ( ${path} "/usr/local/texprograms" )
>>>> endif
>>>> ## Do not remove the next line
>>>> ## TeX modifications end at Fri Nov  3 17:39:47 CET 2006
>>>> The exact dates are completely irrelevant.
>>>> (4) If you have already Gerben's TeXLive installed then you  
>>>> should change the name of his TeXLive folder to something else  
>>>> like gwTeXLive, it is in
>>>> /usr/local/
>>>> (5) Download the compressed TeXLive dmg (~683MB) from CTAN,  
>>>> google for texlive2005-inst-20051102.iso
>>>> Here is also a full download address
>>>> http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/getFile.py?fn=/systems/texlive/ 
>>>> Images/texlive2005-inst-20051102.iso.zip
>>>> Unzip the download and mount it.
>>>> (6) Open the Terminal. The windows of the terminal are called  
>>>> shells, if your window shows the name bash at the top, then your  
>>>> in business, otherwise you have to switch to a bash shell, by  
>>>> opening the terminal preferences and enter the command
>>>> /bin/bash
>>>> in the line below the second button and enable that button. Quit  
>>>> the terminal and restart it. Now you should have a bash shell,  
>>>> i.e., your prompt should be a $ sign. If don't have a $ sign,  
>>>> retry or forget the whole thing.
>>>> (II) Installation of TeXLive:
>>>> (1) In the terminal window, after the prompt type
>>>> cd /Volumes/TeXLive-2005
>>>> This new directory should now be shown before the prompt. We are  
>>>> now installing TeXLive in the default location
>>>> /usr/local/texlive/2005
>>>> After the installation nothing will have changed in your tex  
>>>> environment, you will only have an additional 1GB of files on  
>>>> your hard disk. Especially, you can always safely delete the folder
>>>> /usr/local/texlive/2005
>>>> and use your old tex installation without any worries.
>>>> Changes will only occur after we have set the symlink, changed  
>>>> the system wide path, and run the configuration script.
>>>> Now let us start the installation, by entering the command
>>>> sudo sh install-tl.sh
>>>> You will be asked for your password. Then the script will work  
>>>> for a few moments until you are asked to enter a command by  
>>>> choosing from a list of options. We are choosing the default  
>>>> options, i.e., we give the command start installation by entering
>>>> i
>>>> and hitting return. TeXLive will now be installed, lasting about  
>>>> 10 min, depending on your machine.
>>>> (2) Now set the symlink, by using the Applescript, which you  
>>>> should create, if you haven't already done so. The   entries  
>>>> should be exactly as shown below
>>>> -- Applescript
>>>> -- symlink
>>>> -- Nov. 2006
>>>> -- Claus Gerhardt
>>>> (* It is necessary to use the full path for source file and  
>>>> target file, if the files or directories are not in the same  
>>>> directory.
>>>> Notice that the administrator privileges will be valid for a few  
>>>> seconds after you entered your password, so don't play around  
>>>> with the script, it won't ask for your password again in those  
>>>> circumstances.
>>>> Notice that on an intelMac the term "powerpc" has to be replaced  
>>>> by "i386"*)
>>>> set sourceName to "/usr/local/texlive/2005/bin/powerpc-darwin" -- 
>>>> or i386-darwin
>>>> set symlinkName to "/usr/local/" & "texprograms"
>>>> set scriptPath1 to "/usr/local/"
>>>> set shellScript to "cd " & scriptPath1 & ";"
>>>> set shellScript to shellScript & "rm -fR " & symlinkName & ";"
>>>> set shellScript to "ln -s  -f " & sourceName & " " & symlinkName
>>>> do shell script shellScript with administrator privileges
>>>> -- End of script
>>>> Run the script in Script editor, you will be asked for your  
>>>> password.
>>>> Check, if everything is correct, by typing in a *new* the  
>>>> terminal window (notice to open a new window, so that the  
>>>> terminal is aware of the new symlink)
>>>> readlink /usr/local/texprograms
>>>> and hitting return, notice that there is a free space after  
>>>> readlink. The answer should be
>>>> /usr/local/texlive/2005/bin/powerpc-darwin
>>>> If this is not the case, check, if you made a mistake in the  
>>>> script, and try again. If the error persists, stop and write to  
>>>> the list (you must have made a mistake, very unlikely).
>>>> (3) Setting the system wide path:
>>>> Change the system wide path as described in (I), (3).
>>>> (III) The configuration phase.
>>>> Quit the terminal and reopen it.
>>>> First we check, if the path is correct. Enter
>>>> echo $PATH
>>>> The answer should be something like
>>>> /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/texprograms
>>>> /usr/local/texprograms should be present.
>>>> Then, enter (I am using a4 as paper size, letter is the  
>>>> alternative)
>>>> sudo texconfig-sys paper a4
>>>> after entering your password tex will be configured.
>>>> Richard Koch says that during this phase the format files have  
>>>> also been created. This didn't happened in my case.
>>>> Thus, it doesn't hurt to create the formats explicitly
>>>> sudo fmtutil-sys --all
>>>> Your are now almost set. You made a full installation of  
>>>> TeXLive, installing all packages, all hyphenations, formats, etc.
>>>> To run tex, you must now enter the new path
>>>> /usr/local/texprograms
>>>> in the appropriate place in TeXShop's preferences and, if you  
>>>> use shell scripts, e.g., indirectly by using some of my  
>>>> Applescripts, their paths have to changed too to
>>>> set path= ($path  /usr/local/bin  /usr/local/texprograms)
>>>> Happy texing.
>>>> Below I copy an Applescript that will reveal the original  
>>>> location of the currently active tex, save it as macro in TeXShop.
>>>> Claus
>>>> -- Applescript
>>>> -- reveal-tex
>>>> -- Claus Gerhardt
>>>> (*This script reveals the location of the currently active tex  
>>>> program.*)
>>>> set dirName to do shell script "readlink /usr/local/texprograms"
>>>> set revealTex to "This is the directory of the currently active  
>>>> tex: " & dirName
>>>> display dialog revealTex buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
>>>> ------------------------- Info --------------------------
>>>> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
>>>>          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
>>>> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
>>>> List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/
>>> ------------------------- Info --------------------------
>>> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
>>>          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
>>> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
>>> List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/
>> ------------------------- Info --------------------------
>> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
>>          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
>> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
>> List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/
> ------------------------- Info --------------------------
> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
>          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
> List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/

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Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/

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