[OS X TeX] installing from TeXLive

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Nov 17 16:07:48 CET 2006

On Nov 17, 2006, at 1:04 AM, Claus Gerhardt wrote:

> I wouldn't trust i-installer and do it rather myself:
> cd /usr/local
> sudo rm -fR tetex
> Beware that if you should have installed Gerben's TeXLive prior to  
> the original texlive, then, given your set up, the original texlive  
> is now contained in Gerben's TeXLive folder, it is the folder 2005.
> Claus


In all of this, how did you handle fonts, etc., that you installed in  
texmf.local? Also, will updates to TeXLive destroy texmf.local (texmf- 
local?) so I should save it. I'm not looking forward to having to  
edit updmap.cfg by hand or running updmap-sys over and over (I seem  
to remember that there was a bug and it can't add more than one map  
at a time).

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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