[OS X TeX] Using OTF-fonts for TeX

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue May 16 00:19:14 CEST 2006

On 15 May 2006, at 10:49 pm, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> [snipped technical details]

\begin{shameless plug}

Thank you, Peter -- what an excellent illustration of (one of the  
reasons) why XeTeX exists! :)

The question that started this thread was about Adobe Garamond Pro,  
which happens to be a font that I sometimes use. Here's what I had to  
do, starting with a default TeXShop/gwTeX/XeTeX installation:

(1) Drop the AGaramondPro*.otf font files into ~/Library/Fonts (or  
install through FontBook).

(2) In the preamble of the document, add the lines:

     \usepackage{fontspec,xunicode} % thanks to Will & Ross for  
making LaTeX and XeTeX cooperate!
     \setromanfont{Adobe Garamond Pro}

(3) Press the Typeset button in TeXShop.

\end{shameless plug}

(Sorry, just couldn't resist... I do understand that XeTeX isn't the  
answer for every situation!)


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