[OS X TeX] Using OTF-fonts for TeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sun May 14 22:37:08 CEST 2006

Le 14 mai 06 à 22:23, Gerben Wierda a écrit :

> Done (downloaded, compiled on ppc 10.3.9, unfroze the still frozen  
> intel iMac, compiled on intel 10.4.3, fused, packaged and uploaded ;-)


About i-Installer: after updating a local i-Package, in the Versions  
section of the "Pkg Properties" tab the dates for Self and "Remote  
Package" are indeed updated; however, after installing the updated i- 
Package, the date for Installed isn't updated. For example, right now  
after updating and installing the i-Package, here's what's displayed:

Self: 2006/05/14 20:19:51
Remote Package: Same as Self
Installed: Different: 2006/01/25 21:02:23

This is of no consequence (the package has indeed been updated *and*  
installed), but might confuse inexperienced users.

This isn't specific to this i-Package (I had noticed it for some time  
already, but always forgotten to report).

Bruno------------------------- Info --------------------------
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