[OS X TeX] Are two bib files needed to get correct issue numbers?

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri May 12 16:19:34 CEST 2006

Le 12 mai 06 à 15:34, Themis Matsoukas a écrit :

> I don't have a technical answer to your question. However, in my  
> experience issue numbers is an optional item of minor importance   
> and most journals don't ask for it. In fact, I don't know of a  
> journal in my field that demands it. And a journal that doesn't  
> like issue numbers at all should take the time to remove them from  
> the authors source file. That's especially true if the journal  
> makes such unreasonable demands on the author, as keeping track of  
> citations based on what's the first page number of every issue...!

Such situations I have met, when looking for original Russian  
references of journals translated cover-to-cover into English:

- For some Russian journals the volumes are not numbered, the year of  
publication being used in its place. However, in a few cases the page  
count restarts from 1 in each issue, so that the issue number is  
required in addition to the page number. One such example (volume  
number is bold, issue number is between parentheses):

   \textsc{Gorodtsov, V.~A. \& Teodorovich, \'E.~V.} 1982
   Study of internal waves in the case of rapid horizontal motion of  
cylinders and spheres.
   \textit{Fluid Dyn.} \textbf{17}, 893--898.
   [Transl. from \textit{Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Mekh. Zhidk. Gaza} (6),  

- In one case at least I've seen a journal with neither volume nor  
issue number: the year was used as the issue number, and the pages  
were numbered consecutively through all issues of a given year. Example:

   \textsc{Kozhevnikov, V.~N.} 1963
   A single nonlinear problem of the orographic disturbance of  
stratified air flow.
   \textit{Bull. (Izv.) Acad. Sci. USSR Geophys. Ser.}, 675--680.
   [Transl. from \textit{Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Geofiz.},  

More examples of such fun at <http://www.legi.hmg.inpg.fr/~voisin/ 

Bruno Voisin

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