[OS X TeX] Re: [XeTeX] texdoc, was: Microtypography?

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed May 10 11:45:52 CEST 2006

Le 9 mai 06 à 13:19, Peter Dyballa a écrit :

> You need to install a real bunch of software!
> It's just one Perl "module" -- but it's vast. To start with: 'sudo - 
> H cpan install perltk' ...
> You will be asked many questions before, then the cpan programme  
> will fetch, out-pack, configure, make, check, and install the  
> module and all other Perl modules that might be needed as pre- 
> requisites. It will create its own tree of files and directories in  
> root's home directory, i.e. /var/root/.cpan. (I have there over 100  
> MB!)
> When you invoke 'sudo cpan ...' cpan will create in your home  
> directory the .cpan tree, completely owned by root. Cpan seems to  
> be a bit stupid compared to Fink or Darwinports: it does not seem  
> to automatically update a package that has changed, although it  
> first fetches from the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)  
> the newest module descriptions -- or I missed something.

Well, things are not working as smoothly as expected. After looking  
for Perl/Tk on the web <http://www.perltk.org/>, I decided to give  
the installation a try.

However, after entering in Terminal "sudo -H cpan -i perltk" and  
answering "no" at the first prompt to get autoconfiguration, here's  
what I get after some time:

	GOT /var/root/.cpan/sources/modules/03modlist.data.gz
	Going to read /var/root/.cpan/sources/modules/03modlist.data.gz
	Going to write /var/root/.cpan/Metadata
	Warning: Cannot install perltk, don't know what it is.
	Try the command

	    i /perltk/

	to find objects with matching identifiers.

and there was also some warnings like:

	Warning: lynx not found in PATH
	Where is your lynx program? []

	Warning: wget not found in PATH
	Where is your wget program? []

	Warning: ncftpget not found in PATH
	Where is your ncftpget program? []

	Warning: ncftp not found in PATH
	Where is your ncftp program? []

	Warning: gpg not found in PATH
	Where is your gpg program? []

Things are getting too technical at his stage (and the number of  
required installations too large), and I would just like to uninstall  
all remnants of the failed installation. However, even after "sudo  
cd /var/root" it seems one can't enter into /var/root to suppress the  
directory .cpan/ there:

	legimc11:/var brunovoisin$ sudo cd /var/root
	legimc11:/var brunovoisin$

I would hate to have to move to NetInfo Manager and activate the root  
user just for that. Is there another way to erase /var/root/.cpan/?  
It's possible "sudo rm -r /var/root/.cpan" would just work, but I'm  
not ready to try anything in root's private territory before being  
sure it's absolutely safe!

The page <http://www.perltk.org/index.php? 
option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=28> has other instructions,  
namely to download Tk-804.027.tar.gz from <http://search.cpan.org/~ni- 
s/Tk-804.027/>, uncompress and unarchive, move to the directory  
Tk-804.027 then run:

	perl Makefile.PL
         make test
         make install

However, given this directory includes README files for many OSes but  
not OS X, I suspect this wouldn't work on OS X?

Finally, it seems one Qt implementation of Perl/Tk, named Pq, has  
been released recently:


Given Qt has now an Aqua version (but apparently Pq doesn't compile  
on OS X yet), this seems to leave hope for an Aqua Qt GUI for  
texdoctk at some point in the future?

Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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