[OS X TeX] Droplatexdiff available.

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon May 8 16:53:39 CEST 2006

The advantage of latexdiff over FileMerge or BBEdit is that you can  
see the differences in both files in one pdf file, clearly emphasized  
by different colours and very intelligible. I tried both versions,  
FileMerge and latexdiff, and figuring out the differences in  
FileMerge is a nightmare compared with the ease in latexdiff,  
especially, if mathematical equations are involved.

If one wants to jump from difference to difference in the merged file  
produced by latexdiff, simply search for \DIF (case sensitive) and  
use TeXShop's synchronization feature to see the difference in the  
pdf preview.


On May 8, 2006, at 13:28, Joseph C. Slater wrote:

> On May 5, 2006, at 2:08 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> For the Terminal phobic amongst us... I just put together a  
>> Dropscript application, named Droplatexdiff.app, that should do  
>> the job. It embeds latexdiff-fast and a script to run it properly.  
>> Put the Dropscript anywhere you want and drop the two files (they  
>> should be in the same directory of course) onto it; e.g. dropping  
>> file1.tex and file2.tex onto Droplatexdiff.app (or an alias of it)  
>> will produce file1-file1-diff.tex in that directory which  
>> highlights the differences. Latexdiff-fast is really neat!
>> Oh... get it as Droplatexdiff.app.zip from my download site,  
>> <http://homepage.mac.com/herbs2/>.
>> Let me know of any problems.
>> Good Luck,
> Anyone who has the Apple Developer Tools can use FileMerge.app to  
> do this. What's the advantage of this tool over FileMerge?
> Joe
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