[OS X TeX] Named theorem

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jul 28 12:32:04 CEST 2006

Alain Schremmer wrote:
> Victor Ivrii wrote:
>> Nothing is wrong with amtthm; however it knows three theorestyles:
>>> 2. keep your packages but say \begin{thm}[\textbf{Schremmer}] to get
>>> Schremmer in boldface.
>> This would put . (dot) after theorem' number which is not wanted.
> With all due respect, this was not my question which was: Why doesn't 
> the solution provided in Companion work?

Yes, reading the entire message before answering is hard :-)
> I went to texhax and from FAQ downloaded amslatex > math > testmath.tex 
> and testmath.pdf. Now, testmath.pdf shows a named theorem on page 6 in 
> which the name is boldfaced and testmath.tex indeed has the syntax in 
> Companion but when I typeset testmath.tex, the name is not boldfaced.

This is due to a change in amsthm.sty that happened sometime in 2004. 
The testmath.pdf you downloaded was typeset before that change happened. 
The Companion was perhaps written before that date, too.

In amsthm.sty, they added a line

\thm at notefont{\fontseries\mddefault\upshape}%

which changes this behavior. I assume that they think non-bold is more 
appropriate than boldface for a note. If you want to get a different 
behavior, add that line in your preamble and modify it, for example 
instead of "\fontseries\mddefault" write "\bfseries". Or use the 
solution 2 Victor pointed out.


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