[OS X TeX] Distiller

Alain Matthes alain.matthes at mac.com
Sat Jan 28 08:51:37 CET 2006


a) I would like to know the differences between Apple distiller and
ghostscript distiller and
why use ghostscript distiller  instead of Apple distiller ?

b) In Texshop, how to recognize the use of Apple Distiller or
ghostscript distiller. Which is the name of Apple distiller ?

c) With Texniscope, in the prefs we have :

1) External dvi distiller : /usr/local/bin/dvipdf
2) Postscript distiller /usr/local/bin/ps2pdf

but if i use pdflatex, i do not need dvipdf ; Is this correct? . If i
include a file.eps then i need a postscript distiller; Is this
correct?  in that case, is the apple or ghostscript distiller ?

d) and now if i use  pdflatex , pst-pdf  and pstricks . I need what?

e) Finally, how to use Apple distiller with the Terminal or with an
other soft than Texshop ?

Thanks Alain Matthes

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