[OS X TeX] Fatal format file error: ...xelatex.fmt doesn't match xetex.pool

Georg Verweyen verweyen at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 12:56:12 CET 2006

Okay, thanks for all the help!
I killed the /library/texmf thing reconfigured TEX.ii2,
 reinstalled XeTeX 0.99b
and now XeTeX is working fine (well, except some fonts not found).

Now I need some packages not included in gwtex.
I've put the tex-tree and the fonts-tree from temf-dist on the 
TeXLive2005 DVD into usr/local/tetex/share/texmf.texlive. What is the 
best way to make TeX and co. search and find the files there?
As the versions in the texmf-trees controlled by the i-Installer might 
be, or might get more uptodate it would be a good idea to search 
texlive.texmf last.

Maybe once for the deaf and/or stupid like me (yes I looked for it but I 
am still confused):

What is the correct syntax for mktexlsr and updmap on a tetex3.0 mac?
Is there an equivalent to rebuild the format files?

Thanks so much,
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