[OS X TeX] Suggestions about input encoding - utf-8, latin1, latin9??

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Jan 12 16:25:29 CET 2006

Am 12.01.2006 um 16:03 schrieb Bruno Voisin:

> That said, from these sites as well as a few others I got the  
> impression Latin 9 never really made it to the mainstream, and is  
> now more-or-less considered deprecated and replaced by UTF8. Is  
> this the case?

I wouldn't think so. There are still enough situations where an 8 bit  
encoding is sufficient. Therefore, for example, the ISO Latin-10 or  
ISO 8859-16 encoding was created recently. Did you try to express  
(print) UTF-8 in PostScript? Is it necessary to use an unmaintained  
TeX tool like ucs that only supports more or less the first 64 K  
characters? Can you copy&paste or search for UTF-8 characters in  
these texts in the PDF viewer? (I haven't tried yet ... missing some  



Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau: à chaque nouvelle  
cuvée on sait que ce sera dégueulasse, mais on en prend quand même,  
par masochisme.

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