[OS X TeX] Experimental MacTeX Packages

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Sat Dec 23 07:21:27 CET 2006


Experimental MacTeX packages are available for testing at


These packages adopt Gerben Wierda and Jerome Lauren's new data  
structure for handling multiple TeX distributions. I am an  
enthusiastic supporter of their work.

Let me emphasize a point made at the top of the above web page. Feel  
free to try the package which installs Gerben's original TeX  
distribution, or the package which installs TeXLive-2005, but if you  
want gwTeX, please install with i-Installer rather than the MacTeX  
package, because

	a) Gerben needs to extensively test his package before other
	obligations take precedence after January 1, and by using
	i-Installer you can aid this testing.

	b) If you installed Gerben's earlier experimental TeXLive based
	distribution, i-Installer will migrate that distribution to his new
	gwTeX. The MacTeX package doesn't do that.

I put a MacTeX gwTeX package on the page so a few TUG people could  
test it because TUG's DVD deadline is around January 1. Everything is  
coming due at once.

koch at math.uoregon.edu

------------------------- Helpful Info -------------------------
Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/
List Reminders & Etiquette: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/list/

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