[OS X TeX] ConTeXt updater deletes user files?!

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Dec 13 20:19:12 CET 2006

Am 13.12.2006 um 17:29 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:

> When I upgraded to the latest release on 8 Dec I lost all my user  
> files (local setup, modules etc.) stored in ../share/texmf.local/ 
> tex/context/user/. The updater isn't supposed to touch this  
> directory, is it?

No, it is! I think the ConTeXt updates never went into texmf.gwtex.  
This is bad design – and a bad tool that deletes a whole branch  
although it knows exactly which files it had installed before. This  
is something i-Installer could learn from Fink.

> Is there a way to recover those deleted files?

Recover from backup!

You can try something different, which might lead to the same data  
loss, because i-Installer might like, with M$ in mind, to re-fetch  
the "original" remotely dictating property list file:

	invoke in Terminal 'open <path to i-Packages>/context-update.ii2/ 


	double-click it in a Finder's view


	change the install_location string to /usr/local/teTeX/share/ 

You might also need to update some stamps in the property list, but  
it's nowhere documented how they are constructed, to make i-Installer  
accept this plist file as the most recent and proper one.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


The human brain operates at only 10% of its capacity. The rest is  
overhead for the operating system.

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