[OS X TeX] Keeping this list healthy

Themis Matsoukas matsoukas at psu.edu
Fri Dec 1 18:20:29 CET 2006

On Dec 1, 2006, at 11:27 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> Say A makes a point. Generally, A's post being the first one on  
> this point is not "reactive" and tends to be relaxed—even if not  
> clear and precise. But what is particularly annoying to A is when  
> after A tried to explain something c;early—at least in his/her own  
> eyes, B, for whatever reason and in whatever manner, miss or ignore  
> the point entirely.

Yes - this situation arises often in life and can be extremely  
frustrating if B is someone with great power over you (e.g. you boss,  
or an irrational Reviewer of your manuscript, or --add your favorite  
frustration here). But barring such cases of power imbalance, a glass  
of red wine is just what all of us should reach for.

So, I raise my glass to Fernardo and his red-wine theory! (actually,  
I am at work, so I will just raise my coffee mug).

Themis------------------------- Info --------------------------
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