[OS X TeX] How to comment out includegraphics?

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 07:26:25 CEST 2005

1) Gerhardt's

    \renewcommand{\includegraphics}[2][]{{\bf ??}}

works and substitutes ?? for each graphic which is fine.

But Moore's


substitutes the name of the file which is truly nice.

2) Even though so far, say, 
\includegraphics[,scale=0.75]{Figures/01_01_00.pdf}has been working fine 
as is, namely without $ … $, I understand Høgholm as saying that when 
the command is changed by renewcommand, the status of underscore can 
change so that my idea of using underscore as separator in file names 
was not exactly brilliant.

(I think I used underscore because 01.02.03b.pdf was not working at all 
and, as discussed in an earlier thread, 01/02/03b.pdf does not always work.)

What would then be a safe separator to use to rename, say, the file that 
right now I am calling 01_02_03b.pdf ?

Most grateful regards to all.

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