[OS X TeX] latex + mySQL

Christian Heine christian at geosci.usyd.edu.au
Tue Oct 25 02:02:42 CEST 2005

Hi Ingo,

> But nevertheless I like the idea of having my data stored in a  
> mySQL database and to be able to retrieve it from within a latex  
> file. So my question is: Is there any alternative? (I already had a  
> look at the KOMA-Script, but it doesn't seem to be flexible enough.)

An alternative could be to use Python and Cheetah (http:// 
www.cheetahtemplates.org) in combination with LaTeX and a database.  
Although I haven't used it with MySQL and TeX yet (currently using  
PostgreSQL/GIS and HTML/XML) it is a very powerful and flexible way  
of getting data out of a SQL database and using a template document  
to spit out formatted documents. With using Python you, of course,  
add another, maybe unwanted level of complexity. But it should be  
fairly easy to extract the data, write the template and typeset it  
from within a small python script.

Stephan Hochhaus mentioned texdbi (http://freshmeat.net/projects/ 
texdbi/) in an earlier thread of mine ("Postgres->Python->LaTeX"  
29/06/2005) - may be this is of help for you as well.

HTH. Cheers from Sydney,

Christian Heine
Ph.D. candidate

         USIMS       |    University of Sydney
                     |    Institute of Marine Science
                     |    Sydney, Australia

P +61 2 9351 4257   •   F +61 2 9351 0184
W www.geosci.usyd.edu.au/users/christian/

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