[OS X TeX] Large Figure in Document? (and slow response of TeXShop)

Bernhard Barkow bb at creativeeyes.at
Sun Nov 20 09:35:59 CET 2005

Hi all,

On 20.11.2005, at 05:34, Ross Moore wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Thanks for many helpful suggestions. I actually didn't know about  
>>> the
>>> "Simplify" command. :P
> Nor did I. Thanks for the tip.
> Which menu is it under, and in which versions of Illustrator ?
> I cannot find it in  CS (11.0.0).

First select a path using the Selection tool, then from the menu,  
choose "Object / Path / Simplify..."; there you can experiment with  
the parameters.

>>> But this command doesn't help in my case: I was trying to capture a

This function simplifies a path by reducing the number of points  
while trying to keep the path's shape; I don't think it will help  
with a figure consisting of too many single objects, like it seems to  
be the case here.

>>> band diagram with many almost flat bands. To get enough points on  
>>> the
>>> flat region (so they look better on a paper), I set Mathematica to
>>> very high resolution to capure the flat region -- thus the many data
>>> points ... in addition, the publisher requires eps format. I have
>>> tried almost every means (i.e., illustrator saved eps -> pdf ->
>>> WARMFigToPDF -> pdftops -eps) and generated each figure at around  
>>> 3 MB
>>> size, but TeXShop/Preview still don't like them ...
> This sounds similar to a problem that I had to face a couple of  
> years ago.
> There, the image contained hundreds-of-thousands of tiny dots  
> (perhaps even
> a million of them) --- a bifurcation (orbit) diagram, for those who  
> know
> what this means.

That's exactly why I suggested in a former post to render a bitmap  
first in the correct size and a useful resolution (depending on the  
image; 300dpi maximum, 150 might be reasonable, maybe even less),  
using ghostscript (or Preview / pstopdf), and then just include this  
This way, the renderer doesn't have to render each single datapoint,  
but just draw the bitmap. It's no problem to have

> ...
> Solution:  do not "Open" the file in Illustrator.
>     Instead start a new document and use the "Place.." command
>     from the menu:       File > Place...

That's what TeX does when creating a dvi file, which includes only  
references to the image file; the "draft" option causes the viewer  
not to render the actual file, but only show the bounding box.

Jung-Tsung, if necessary you can mail me this eps file off-list  
(zipped?), I can give it a try (and also test if it causes my TeXShop  
installation to hang, too, might be interesting).


_________________________________ Bernhard Barkow __
___________________ gpg key ID _ A89F09C45921020D __

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