[OS X TeX] Languages disabling

Rene Borgella macmechanic at fastmail.fm
Fri May 20 21:48:43 CEST 2005

At 7:22 PM +0200 5/20/05, Jan Hegewald wrote:
>Am 20.05.2005 um 14:00 schrieb Bruno Voisin:
>>I'm surprised when you mention a permission 
>>problem, because there does not seem to be 
>>restrictions at this level:

I've never seen permissions problems restricting 
this unless the user doesn't have administration 

There are other ways, BTW, to remove languages.

1) Control-click or right-click on a Cocoa app 
and you will see "Show Package Contents".  If you 
click on this you will see a directory "Contents"

Inside "Contents" you will see various 
directories named "Language.lproj"  You may 
remove any and all of these directories for 
languages you do not use.

If you do this via the Finder (or Get Info), 
instead of removing the directories they are 
placed in a directory called "Resources 
Disabled".  Note that in Get Info, if you uncheck 
the box they go into this directory.  If you 
select the language and press the "Remove" 
button, then the language directory is trashed.

2) Another way is to use and utility like 
Monoligual (there are others) that remove these 
for you.

3) From terminal, you can type in some version of this:

sudo find / -name Icelandic.lproj -name 
Swedish.lproj -name Korean.lproj -name 
Portuguese.lproj -name Chinese.lproj -name 
Japanese.lproj -name German.lproj -name 
Dutch.lproj -name Italian.lproj -name 
French.lproj -name Spanish.lproj -name 
Turkish.lproj -exec rm -r {} \;

adding/removing languages as needed.


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