[OS X TeX] Typesetting music by abcm2ps?
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Mar 30 17:32:26 CEST 2005
Am 30.03.2005 um 14:10 schrieb Friedrich Vosberg:
> 1.) How can I achieve that TeXShop either diplays the new file
> music.ps or
> converts that file into music.pdf to diplay it? Is it possible to make
> a
> shell script, that converts the music.tex via a music.ps into a
> music.pdf
> by one click -- probably by using ps2pdf directly after running
> abcm2ps?
Just use two 'engines': one for PS output (if you need) and another
script that either invokes Apple's pstopdf (needs Mac OS X
10.3/Panther) or ps2pdf (any or specific PDF version [default is PDF
1.2], needs Ghostscript installed). If you have installed Ghostscript
with an i-Package or DarwinPorts then the path does not need to be
augmented by another component, if it has been installed with Fink
/sw/bin needs to be added to it. Apple's pstopdf is in /usr/bin so it's
probably found without changes to the search path. A clever approach
(not invoking another convertor if tex'ing/creating of PS failed) would
set Datei = `basename "$1" .tex`
abcm2ps "$Datei" && pstopdf "${Datei}.ps" -l
set Datei = `basename "$1" .tex`
abcm2ps "$Datei" && ps2pdf "${Datei}.ps"
In case abcm2ps can output to a pipe, not leaving a PS file on disk,
these scripts would work too (but you need to check how and give that
option to abcm2ps):
set Datei = `basename "$1" .tex`
abcm2ps "$Datei" | pstopdf -o "${Datei}.ps" -l
set Datei = `basename "$1" .tex`
abcm2ps "$Datei" | ps2pdf - "${Datei}.pdf"
> 2.) TeXShop seems to typeset files only with the extension .tex.
> Regularly
> music-files written in ABCPlus should have .abc for extension. But if I
> change the extension of my music-files into .abc the typeset-menue and
> the
> LaTeX-button in TeXShop are hidden. Only if the file has the extension
> .tex I can typeset it. Can I change this behaviour?
I don't know too, but the shell knows! Just start with a file.tex and
add this line between the other two:
cp "${Datei}.tex" "${Datei}.abc"
This will create a copy. If don't want a copy, since you might have a
template or you like to write the header and the footer all the time
yourself, substitute 'cp' with 'mv' and the original .tex file would be
renamed into a .abc file. The script itself would be then for example:
set Datei = `basename "$1" .tex` # get the file's name
cp "${Datei}.tex" "${Datei}.abc" # create the file's name.abc file
abcm2ps "$Datei" && pstopdf "${Datei}.ps" -l # upon success convert to
some PDF
The option -l to Apple's pstopdf creates a log file "${Datei}.pdf.log"
-- can be valuable. It can be removed automatically when conversion to
PDF was successful:
if ($status == 0) rm "${Datei}.pdf.log" > /dev/null
This could become the last line in your "engine." Or in that case you
prefer a PDF output:
rm "${Datei}.ps" > /dev/null
ps2pdf probably writes any messages to stderr which can be caught and
re-directed into a file. But then I would re-write it in Bourne shell.
Mit friedvollen Grüßen
In a world without walls and fences, who needs gates and windows?
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