[OS X TeX] Beginner questions
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Wed Mar 30 01:21:16 CEST 2005
On Mar 29, 2005, at 5:00 PM, Marek Stepanek wrote:
> 4. in an other document class, I am just writing a document with
> \documentclass[a4paper]{scrlttr2} - how do I find the commands of this
> special document class ? in my terminal
> % texdoc scrlttr2
> or
> % texdoc scrlttr
> gives no results.
I assume since you are writing from Munich you speak German. Try
typing in the terminal:
or for the english version:
> 5. Concretely : could a good soul be so kind here, and give me a hint
> how to
> insert in this document class of scrlttr2 a dialog with more margin,
> and
> 1. Person (bold perhaps centered)
> speaking speaking (perhaps in an other type, perhaps cursive)
> 2. Person (bold perhaps centered)
> speaking speaking (perhaps in an other type, perhaps cursive)
> Thank you in advance and best greetings to all from Munich
> marek
> --
> ___________________________________________
> the embassy for talented young musicians
> Podium International | Marek Stepanek |
> mstep at PodiumInternational.org
> http://www.PodiumInternational.org
> ___________________________________________
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