[OS X TeX] Adding a font
Nicola Cabibbo
nicola.cabibbo at roma1.infn.it
Mon Mar 28 12:02:35 CEST 2005
A few days ago there was discussion in this thread on the installation
the Garamoond font for Tex. Since I had Garamond and the expert set
in the Mac version, and some time to spare, I decided to plunge into
the installation. It was not too long, and it worked. My setup is
a standard Gerben Tex (not the very last) on OsX 10.3.8.
I will detail below the steps I followed, and a list of the commands
through the Terminal. Note that I did not have the .afm files to start
I gathered instructions from:
the message by Aaron Jackson in this thread
I decided to hold the font in ~/Library/texmf. The first three steps
can be done using the Finder:
1) Create a folder "AGaramond" in home directory (~/AGaramond), and put
in it
copies of the mac font files. It will be used as a working
directory, and can
be deleted afterwards.
2) From http://home.vr-web.de/was/fonts.html download the archive
"pad.zip" and expand it,
then copy (via Finder) all the containts of the expanded directory to
subfolders of ~/Library/texmf.
3) Create subdirectories
The rest uses the Terminal.
4) Set ~/AGaramond as working directory. The command:
my_pb:~ myself$ cd /Users/myself/AGaramond
5) Extract the .pfb files from the Mac font files using t1unmac.
The correct names for the .pfb files can be found in
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarBol/rsrc padb8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarBolIta/rsrc padbi8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarIta/rsrc padri8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarReg/rsrc padr8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarSem/rsrc pads8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarSemIta/rsrc padsi8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarTit/rsrc padrd8a.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarExpBol/rsrc padb8x.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarExpBolIta/rsrc padbi8x.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarExpIta/rsrc padri8x.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarExpReg/rsrc padr8x.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarExpSem/rsrc pads8x.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ t1unmac -r AGarExpSemIta/rsrc padsi8x.pfb
6) Create the .afm files with pfm2afm.
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ apply pf2afm *.pfb
5) Copy .pfb and .afm files to the \texmf directory
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ cp *.pfb
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ cp *.afm
6) Enable the map.
my_pb:~/AGaramond myself$ sudo updmap --enable Map pad.map
To use Garamond I used the following preamble
(from http://semantics-online.org/geek/2003/09/)
Euler fonts are nice and clear, but somewhat funny!
Best regards to all, and thanks for the excellent suggestions,
Nicola Cabibbo
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