[OS X TeX] Japanese XeTeX examples
Will Robertson
will at guerilla.net.au
Sun Mar 27 10:45:37 CEST 2005
On 27 Mar 2005, at 3:11 PM, Kino wrote:
> On 26 Mar 2005, at 22:34, Will Robertson wrote:
>> On 23 Mar 2005, at 3:23 PM, Kino wrote:
>>> This is a table of standard glyph <=> expt/nlck.
> I forgot to explain: what I call "standard glyph" is character shape
> defined in JIS X 0208:1997.
Based on some quick experiments, it looks to me like the Expert glyphs
are a superset of the NLC ones. Is this correct? Also, in this
document, what does it mean if the new character is marked with '*'
instead of 'n' or 'e'?
>> In the tags examples document, it seems like the command
>> \ajTsumesuji* automatically selects smaller width numbers in order to
>> fit them into a single glyph-width. Is this correct?
> You are quite right. Please download
> <http://psitau.at.infoseek.co.jp/otfcurrent.zip>
> and look at otfcurrent/sty/ajmacros.sty (encoded in ISO-2022-JP)
Ah, this is what I was looking for. Thanks for the link!
>> Or are the OpenType features that support vertical typesetting not
>> compatible with how XeTeX would have to perform this (that is,
>> typeset right-to-left and rotate)?
> In Japanese writing system, CJK characters are not rotated. For
> characters of some kinds, special glyphs are used in vertical writing.
Yes, of course, silly me!
I wasn't thinking when I wrote that.
I was a bit confused by the appearance of the roman letters after
applying the 'vrt2' feature.
> Here is a conversion table of those characters.
> ...
> The files above are based on the OpenType feature table of
> KozMinProVI-Regular.otf:
> ...
Wonderful! Your help is invaluable, thankyou!
There's a lot here to absorb.
> ...Actually this font seems to be the only font supporting
> Adobe-Japan1-6 character set and I hope Apple will update Hiragino
> font family with Tiger.
I hope Apple will do a lot of things :)
Well Kino, thanks again. I'm probably sliding down a slippery slope
trying to learn Japanese typesetting but it certainly is fun. I'd be
lost without you!
Best wishes,
Will Robertson
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