[OS X TeX] sty and map files for adobe fonts.
Will Robertson
will at guerilla.net.au
Sat Mar 26 05:38:52 CET 2005
On 26 Mar 2005, at 1:32 PM, Jeff Genung wrote:
> The other issue I am missing is the :
> \renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{pad}
> \renewcommand*{\sfdefault}{phv}
> \renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{pcr}
> that you have in the sty file. This tells Tex to use {pad} for all
> regular
> text, but do I need to tell it to use a specific font within the pad
> family
> for SC or BF or IT text?
To add to the deluge of information you're receiving at the moment :),
the answer to this specific question is that these commands tell LaTeX
to use these families...and the families themselves are defined in
their .fd file. For example, t1pad.fd will begin with a definition of
the family name, then go through and add bold, italic, small caps, and
so on so that the various \bfseries, \itshape commands etc. work as
expected in LaTeX.
I believe that fontinst takes care of this for you, so you -shouldn't-
need to worry about the specifics at this stage...
Will Robertson
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