[OS X TeX] sty and map files for adobe fonts.
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Sat Mar 26 05:25:50 CET 2005
Did you get the fonts to work?
On Mar 25, 2005, at 10:02 PM, Jeff Genung wrote:
> The other issue I am missing is the :
> \renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{pad}
> \renewcommand*{\sfdefault}{phv}
> \renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{pcr}
> that you have in the sty file. This tells Tex to use {pad} for all
> regular
> text, but do I need to tell it to use a specific font within the pad
> family
> for SC or BF or IT text?
You can do this if you want to get fancy (it is possible), but I have
never had to do it. I usually only use the 4 standard font types
(regular, bold, italic, bolditalic) and the above sty file provides
this. Sorry, no help here.
> does tex look at the title of the sty file for anything? What I mean is
> could I name this bob.sty instead of garamond.sty? then
> \usepackage{bob} ?
No. Yes. Yes. The name is meaningless to tex. The name is just for
> there is also a point that I don't see you renaming the .pfb files from
> example: padb8a.pfb to padb8r.pfb ?
I don't rename anything. The map file has all that translation
information in it. This is all encoding issues, that I don't fully
understand. However, I do understand that fontinstall takes care of
that for me, so I really don't worry about it.
> Also don't you have to texhash at the end? the OSX font install guide
> says
> to do this, but elsewhere I seem to have read that the gwTeX
> distribution
> didn't need this.
If you install files in the main tex tree you need to run texhash. If
you install files in your personal tex tree in your home directory,
there is no need to run texhash. It is possible to set tex up so that
running texhash on your personal texmf tree can speed things up, but I
don't know at what point it becomes beneficial i.e. how big does your
personal tex tree need to be before texhash makes thing run faster.
> As for doing it with the Schriften für TeX stuff and the
> http://semantics-online.org/geek/2003/09/ website, yeah I will agree
> that
> he had some ok info, but I really wanted to be able to do it for any
> font
> that I had rather than just the ones that someone else had already
> done. The
> main impetus was to be able to be able to title in copperplate and to
> add a
> nice little doo-dad from adobe wood type ornaments on the end page of a
> chapter or section. The Xetex was also an idea, but I am running
> 10.2.8 and
> it needs 10.3 or later and won't work. I also want to understand this
> more
> rather than adding another application level of complexity.
> Aaron's bit of instructions are by FAR the most lucid I have read, But
> I may
> be able to simplify them even a bit. thanks
I'm not sure what more simplification you can lend. For the fonts to
work with latex/pdflatex/dvips, you need the pfb, tfm, vf, map, fd and
sty files and these files need to be in the proper place (which depends
on what type of tex install you have). The commands I sent were
commands I found to be the most straight forward way to make the files.
However, if you can find a way to simplify the process, please share.
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