[OS X TeX] sty and map files for adobe fonts.
Jeff Genung
maine at searust.com
Sat Mar 26 04:02:28 CET 2005
The other issue I am missing is the :
that you have in the sty file. This tells Tex to use {pad} for all regular
text, but do I need to tell it to use a specific font within the pad family
for SC or BF or IT text?
does tex look at the title of the sty file for anything? What I mean is
could I name this bob.sty instead of garamond.sty? then \usepackage{bob} ?
there is also a point that I don't see you renaming the .pfb files from
example: padb8a.pfb to padb8r.pfb ?
Also don't you have to texhash at the end? the OSX font install guide says
to do this, but elsewhere I seem to have read that the gwTeX distribution
didn't need this.
As for doing it with the Schriften für TeX stuff and the
http://semantics-online.org/geek/2003/09/ website, yeah I will agree that
he had some ok info, but I really wanted to be able to do it for any font
that I had rather than just the ones that someone else had already done. The
main impetus was to be able to be able to title in copperplate and to add a
nice little doo-dad from adobe wood type ornaments on the end page of a
chapter or section. The Xetex was also an idea, but I am running 10.2.8 and
it needs 10.3 or later and won't work. I also want to understand this more
rather than adding another application level of complexity.
Aaron's bit of instructions are by FAR the most lucid I have read, But I may
be able to simplify them even a bit. thanks
Jeff G.
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