[OS X TeX] bibdesk - bibtex - url
Adam Maxwell
amaxwell at mac.com
Fri Mar 25 22:50:07 CET 2005
On Friday, March 25, 2005, at 01:13PM, Gary L. Gray <gray at engr.psu.edu> wrote:
>On Mar 25, 2005, at 2:28 PM, Gavin Hall wrote:
>> Will fiddle around with makebst soon, when I get the chance.
>I think it is actually custombib that you want. makebst is part of the
In addition to the other suggestions you've received, the TeX FAQ has this entry <http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=citeURL> which you might find helpful. BibDesk supports the urlbst system mentioned in that item.
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