[OS X TeX] bibdesk - bibtex - url
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Mar 25 19:22:17 CET 2005
A simple solution might be to choose the class misc for the entry, so
that there are no required fields, and put the url in the Note field
and the name or whatever suits you in the author field.
If you use hyperref, then the url could also be made clickable with a
simple command.
On Mar 25, 2005, at 19:05, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Gavin Hall wrote:
>> Dear folks,
>> I have checked the bibdesk archive and googled for this so please
>> don't kill me for going a bit off topic but I just can't find the
>> answer I'm looking for. Is there a .bst file that has the exact same
>> output as plain for bibtex only it will recognise the url entry as
>> per bibdesk?
>> For example, I am referencing books and websites individually and
>> want my bib to look like:
>> [1] Book. Book details ........
>> [2] Name. Website
> Not exactly what you are looking for:
> Get a copy of makebst and it prompts you through a series of questions
> to generate a bst file. I don't know if it handles webpages yet, but
> it may.
> Joe
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