[OS X TeX] Adding a font
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Fri Mar 25 04:59:09 CET 2005
Adding fonts is a pain, but is fairly straight forward.
On Mar 24, 2005, at 9:25 PM, Jeff Genung wrote:
> I have now spend almost 20 hours attempting to add Adobe Garamond to my
> teTeX files. I have created the AFM, the BDF (whatever that is), the
> FD, the
> PFB, The TFM, and The VF files for my Adobe garamond. I have named them
> following the Berry method, and I believe I have placed them in the
> correct
> locations.
What I do for adobe fonts is look through the adobe.map file. You
mention this below. I then rename the pfb file according to what is in
the file. I have some Garamond fonts that I haven't installed yet so I
will go through the steps now.
I have Apple laserwriter fonts for AGarBol, AGarBolIta, AGarIta and
AGarReg. I also have the AFM files for these fonts, so I don't need to
recreate them. I first put them all in one directory. I'll call this
the working directory, or current director from this point forward.
Looking through the adobe.map file I see the following entries look
close to what I have:
padb8a AGaramond-Bold A 902 gdb_____
padbi8a AGaramond-BoldItalic A 902 gdbi____
padri8a AGaramond-Italic A 902 gdi_____
padr8a AGaramond-Regular A 902 gdrg____
On the command line in the working directory I type:
t1unmac -r AGarBol/rsrc padb8a.pfb
t1unmac -r AGarBolIta/rsrc padbi8a.pfb
t1unmac -r AGarIta/rsrc padri8a.pfb
t1unmac -r AGarReg/rsrc padr8a.pfb
cp AGarBol.AFM padb8a.afm
cp AGarBolIta.AFM padbi8a.afm
cp AGarIta.AFM padri8a.afm
cp AGarReg.AFM padr8a.afm
So now I have all the pfb and afm files in the same directory with
their proper names. Now its time to make the other files. I do this
by making and running the following pad-drv.tex file:
\input fontinst.sty
NOTE: This is just a copy and paste, with minor changes, from the font
install guide.
Then process it thusly:
tex pad-drv.tex
Then I run the following commands to make the vf and tmf files:
apply pltotf *.pl
apply vptovf *.vpl
I now make the map file using pad-map.tex
\input finstmsc.sty
\input pad-rec.tex
NOTE: This is just a copy and paste, with minor changes, from the font
install guide.
Then process it thusly:
tex pad-map.tex
Lastly, I make the garamond.sty file:
\ProvidesPackage{garamond}[2002/04/17 v1.0 Adobe Garamond with PS fonts]
NOTE: This is just a copy and paste, with minor changes, from the font
install guide.
At this point ALL the necessary files I need to use this font are in
the current directory. This only thing I need to do now is put them in
the proper place in order to use them. Since I am using a TL2005
install via GW's i-installer I have to make the following directory
Now I type the following commands to make the directory structure:
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/fonts/afm/adobe/garamond/
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/adobe/
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/garamond/
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/garamond/
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/fonts/vf/adobe/garamond/
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/adobe/garamond/
and then type these commands put everything where it belongs:
mv *.afm ~/Library/texmf/fonts/afm/adobe/garamond/
mv *.map ~/Library/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/adobe/
mv *.tfm ~/Library/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/garamond/
mv *.pfb ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/garamond/
mv *.vf ~/Library/texmf/fonts/vf/adobe/garamond/
mv *.sty ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/
mv *.fd ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/adobe/garamond/
Finally, I activate the map with the following command:
sudo updmap --enable Map pad.map
Now I'm ready to test things out so I open an old document, add
\usepackage{garamond} to the preamble and processes it. PRESTO! I
have just installed the garamond font and it works. From beginning to
end it took me about 20 minutes including writing out all the steps.
All the leftover files in the working directory can be deleted, since
they re no longer needed. Now you should be able to install your fonts
following this example. As Herb says, "Good Luck".
> To get this far I have used 430 sheets of paper printing "manuals" and
> "instructions" NONE of which I was able to follow step by step to get
> to
> this point. Each set of instructions seemed to leave off a step, add in
> extraneous and or useless information, or include steps that I was
> unable to
> understand or be able to follow.
> My question is thus. Is there a place that I can download the files
> that I
> need to either do this or complete this? I have found the website of
> Walter
> Schmidt and he had some of the Adobe fonts but not all of them. I am
> going
> to give up on the garamond installation because I am frankly sick of
> it. I
> would however like to try with a font that includes a single face like
> the
> wood type or copperplate.
> I own a copy of the Adobe font folio 8.0, so I have the fonts, and I
> downloaded from Adobe the AFM files and I learned how to use Fondu to
> create
> the PFB and other files, but honestly, I am a historian, and want to
> be able
> to use my tools rather than fighting with them.
> I found a file called Adobe.map in my tetex installation. Do I need to
> do
> another .map file for each font I install or will that file take care
> of any
> Adobe font if I put all the bits of it in the right place? Are there
> any
> instructions that are "correct" for making a .sty file? I have 3
> different
> instructions and each are different. Then I have one that says to look
> at
> other .sty files for "inspiration"---(yeah right).
> Some of the instructions point to either CTAN or to YandY for the Adobe
> files I need but neither seem to have them anymore. Is there a reason
> for
> this? doe someone have them hidden somewhere?
> Jeff Genung
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