[OS X TeX] Boustrophedon typesetting?
Maarten Sneep
maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl
Thu Mar 24 13:10:24 CET 2005
On 24 mrt 2005, at 6:29, Linda Lanz wrote:
> I'm new to the list, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a package
> that can do boustrophedon typesetting? (That's where you go
> left-to-right on one line, then right-to-left on the next, and so
> forth. Sometimes it involves rotating the characters, other times
> not.)
I did a quick search for boustrophedon in the tex catalogue, but it
up empty. I doubt that anyone has such a package, but you may get some
clues from the usenet group (comp.text.tex) or possibly from the pdfTeX
mailing list, and maybe from the ConTeXt mailing list. Please do not try
them all at once, quite a few people are on more lists, and it might
the question seem more urgent than it actually is. The usenet group is
by the most able TeX hackers.
> It's not urgent, but it is something I'd like to be able to do to
> demonstrate various writing systems to students.
ConTeXt was created to generate educational material, and questions
like this
are usually well received by their active users. Be prepared for some
TeX code, that may need adaptation for a specific text (I assume the
are pretty small)
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