[OS X TeX] scaling fonts in latex
Herb Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Mar 23 15:14:35 CET 2005
>Le 23 mars 05, à 09:59, Thomas A.Schmitz a écrit :
>>NOW the question: I would like to have a second option to the
>>package that would scale the font in relation to the main bodyfont
>>of the document, something similar to what the helvet.sty package
>>e.g., to scale the Gentium font to 95 %. I tried and looked in the
>>helvet.sty to see how it is done there, but my latex knowledge just
>>isn't sufficient to do this (I usually use context). I think I need
>>the keyval package, but I can't see where the scale-declaration
>>would go. Can anybody help?
>It's done through the conjunction of helvet.sty and the accompanying
>.fd files, and does indeed require the package keyval.sty. In
>essence, the code inside helvet.sty defines \Hv at scale as <number>
>when the package is called with the option [scale=<number>], and
>then the .fd files use that value as a scale multiplier when calling
>the .tfm font metric files. For example, inside ot1phv.fd you have:
>>\expandafter\ifx\csname Hv at scale\endcsname\relax
>> \let\Hv@@scale\@empty
>> \edef\Hv@@scale{s*[\csname Hv at scale\endcsname]}%
>> <-> \Hv@@scale phvr7t
>which defines \Hv@@scale as the scale multiplier (in LaTeX's 2e
>low-level font syntax) s*[\Hv at scale], and defines the phv font
>family in medium series and normal shape to refer to the metrics
>phvr7t.tfm preceded by \Hv@@scale. For this low-level syntax, see
>section 4 of
>I think Herb Schulz from this list has written a custom package
>extending this mechanism to other fonts than Helvetica.
>Hope this helps,
>Bruno Voisin
As usual, Bruno said it better than I could. You can take a look at
the couriers package on CTAN and see the parallel work I did to make
a scalable Courier font. Just emulate that and it should work.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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