[OS X TeX] Japanese XeTeX examples
quinon at rio.odn.ne.jp
Wed Mar 23 05:53:52 CET 2005
On 22 Mar 2005, at 23:52, Will Robertson wrote:
> I'm basically looking for short examples of some Japanese writing
> typeset in various ways using these tags.
Here is a pdf containing examples of some tags generated by pLaTeX
using otf package.
<http://quinon.com/files/ptex/hiragino-tex.zip> (src in utf-8)
hkna, vkna and ruby are used by default when you specify
\usepackage[expert]{otf}, I think.
This is a table of standard glyph <=> expt/nlck.
<http://quinon.com/files/ptex/expt-nlck-tex.zip> (src in shift_jis)
And this is a pdf containing many trad glyphs.
<http://quinon.com/files/ptex/geka_trd.tex.zip> (src in euc_jp)
IIRC I converted an kanjis in e-text into traditional forms using a
custom script. I.e. trad tags were far from being sufficient.
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