[OS X TeX] Japanese XeTeX examples
suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp
suzume at mx82.tiki.ne.jp
Wed Mar 23 00:07:58 CET 2005
I prepared a text including mostly kanji and hiragana (a "normal" text
taken from the web), another one with only hiragana (another text from
the web but especially written for children) and a katakana version of
the いろは poem that is used here pretty much as the alphabet when lists
of items must be ordered. ie:
would be
> I'm not sure it really makes sense to ask in this way; Japanese
> writing typically mixes all three.
> Taking the first sentence of the Japanese section in CJKsample.tex,
> for instance, we have (if I've identified the characters properly):
> katakana: コンピューター hiragana: は、 kanji: 本質的 hiragana: には kanji: 数字
> hiragana: しか kanji: 扱 hiragana: うことができません。
> This includes Katakana (used for the word "Unicode", because it's a
> borrowing), Kanji, and Hiragana, all in the same text. That's normal,
> as far as I understand.
It is normal in modern Japanese, but classical Japanese for example
uses only Kanji (with katakana annotations): Kanbun, and as mentioned
above some text for children can be in hiragana only.
JC Helary
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