[OS X TeX] Japanese XeTeX examples
Will Robertson
will at guerilla.net.au
Tue Mar 22 15:52:39 CET 2005
Having discovered that Mac OS X is distributed with some excellent
Japanese OpenType fonts, I'd like to incorporate their feature set into
the fontspec package for XeLaTeX.
Is there anyone here (I'm sending to the Mac OS X TeX list since I
believe it to be a superset of the XeTeX mailing list) who has
experience with Japanese typesetting and/or understanding of the
various appropriate OpenType tags?
E.g. "Hiragino Mincho Pro W3" contains the following tags I'd like to
incorporate into fontspec in some manner:
(Full/half/proportional/quarter/third width glyphs)
(alternate half / proportional alternate widths)
(Horizontal/Vertical kana glyphs)
(italic forms in the same font -- what's the point?)
(various alternate forms for, uh, things)
(vertical positioning, etc.)
Basically all I know of these things is what I read on Adobe's website.
So in the long term (I'm probably busy in the short term) I'm looking
to work out a way to group everything together in a coherent way and
put some thought into an interface for it all.
As opposed to the OpenType people (MS and Adobe) who have just invented
a bazillion tags and poured them into heap on the floor expecting
people to sift through them to get what they want.
I'm basically looking for short examples of some Japanese writing
typeset in various ways using these tags. Once I've put it all into
fontspec I would like some people who will be able to look at what I've
done and say "no, you don't go about writing Japanese that way, this
interface could be improved by grouping this with that".
Anyone done this stuff before?
Best of luck,
Will Robertson
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